The Irk­ison­go Eu­no­to Ce­rem­o­ny

Hu­man Sacri­fi­ci­al Prac­ti­ce among the Maa­sai


Si­tayo, Suz­a­na


ISBN: 978–3‑87214–913‑8
Auf­la­ge: 1
Er­schei­nungs­da­tum: 20.09.2018
Sei­ten: ca 207
For­mat (in cm): 24,0 x 16,4 cm
Ge­wicht (in g): 394
Pro­dukt­form: Soft­co­ver
Rei­hen­in­fo: Ma­ku­m­i­ra Pu­bli­ca­ti­on; Ma­ku­m­i­ra Pu­bli­ca­ti­on (23)
Rei­hen­band­num­mer: 23
Pro­dukt­spra­che: Eng­lisch


The prac­ti­ce of hu­man sacri­fice among the Maa­sai is against hu­man rights. Kil­ling of a mem­ber of their com­mu­ni­ty is against the so­cial laws of the Maa­sai’ ho­we­ver du­ring the Eu­no­to ce­rem­o­ny a mem­ber of the age-set which ce­le­bra­tes the ce­rem­o­ny must die as a sacri­fice for his age-set. The stu­dy in­ves­ti­ga­tes the ori­gin of hu­man sacri­fice among the Irk­ison­go Maa­sai of Nor­t­hern Tan­z­a­nia, Its pur­po­se and out­co­mes. The re­se­arch found that the hu­man sacri­fice is in­tro­du­ced by Iloi­bo­nok (ri­tu­al ex­pert, pro­phet, witch, me­di­ci­ne man) for his own be­ne­fits, ho­we­ver the so­cie­ty be­lie­ves that the sacri­fice is for pro­spe­ri­ty of the age-set mem­bers. The sacri­fice cau­ses trau­ma, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal, so­cial pro­blems and de­arth to the scape­goat as well also the mem­ber of his fa­mi­ly. Rev Dr. Suz­a­na Si­tayo was born in Aru­sha Tan­z­a­nia. Theo­lo­gi­cal stu­dies at Tu­mai­ni Ma­ku­m­i­ra Uni­ver­si­ty (2004–2009) Ba­che­lor of Di­vi­ni­ty, (2009–2011) Mas­ter of Mis­sio­lo­gy, (2013–2018) PhD in Re­li­gious stu­dies at Fred­rick Alex­an­der Uni­ver­si­ty Er­lan­­gen-Nu­re­m­­berg. She is Pas­tor in the ELCT –Nor­t­hern Cen­tral Dio­ce­se.


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