The Con­cept of Po­ver­ty in Luke in Per­spec­ti­ve of a Wan­ji in Tan­z­a­nia


Ma­ha­li, Faus­tin


ISBN: 978–3‑87214–901‑5
Auf­la­ge: 1., Aufl.
Er­schei­nungs­da­tum: 122.006
Sei­ten: ca 285
For­mat (in cm): 21,0 x 14,8 cm
Ge­wicht (in g): 380
Pro­dukt­form: Soft­co­ver
Rei­hen­in­fo: Ma­ku­m­i­ra Pu­bli­ca­ti­on (14)
Rei­hen­band­num­mer: 14
Pro­dukt­spra­che: Eng­lisch


Theo­lo­gi­cal po­ro­blems in Luke and how the­se pro­blems can po­si­tively or ne­ga­tively in­fluence self-ju­s­­ti­­fi­­ca­­ti­on of the poor and hence rob the poor of their self-re­s­pon­­si­­bi­­li­­ty and self-awa­­re­­ness are dis­cus­sed in the first part of this book. Furhter­mo­re Faus­tin Ma­ha­li dis­cri­bes how the church on one hand has con­rit­bu­ted to an un­der­stan­ding of po­ver­ty which does not con­sider the in­te­gra­ti­on of so­cio-cul­­tu­ral rea­li­ty. On the other hand he ex­plains the im­pact of se­cu­lar in­sti­tu­ti­ons on sha­ping the church’s mi­lieu from the con­text of Chris­ti­an life of the Wan­ji.


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