Theological poroblems in Luke and how these problems can positively or negatively influence self-justification of the poor and hence rob the poor of their self-responsibility and self-awareness are discussed in the first part of this book. Furhtermore Faustin Mahali discribes how the church on one hand has conritbuted to an understanding of poverty which does not consider the integration of socio-cultural reality. On the other hand he explains the impact of secular institutions on shaping the church’s milieu from the context of Christian life of the Wanji.
The Concept of Poverty in Luke in Perspective of a Wanji in Tanzania
Mahali, Faustin
ISBN: 978–3‑87214–901‑5
Auflage: 1., Aufl.
Erscheinungsdatum: 122.006
Seiten: ca 285
Format (in cm): 21,0 x 14,8 cm
Gewicht (in g): 380
Produktform: Softcover
Reiheninfo: Makumira Publication (14)
Reihenbandnummer: 14
Produktsprache: Englisch
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