Church growth in Tan­z­a­nia.

The role of Chag­ga mi­grants wi­thin the Evan­ge­li­cal Lu­ther­an Church in Tan­z­a­nia


Maan­ga, God­son


ISBN: 978–3‑87214–908‑4
Auf­la­ge: 1
Er­schei­nungs­da­tum: 14.09.2012
Sei­ten: ca 450
For­mat (in cm): 21,0 x 14,8 cm
Ge­wicht (in g): 530
Pro­dukt­form: Buch
Rei­hen­in­fo: Ma­ku­m­i­ra Pu­bli­ca­ti­on
Pro­dukt­spra­che: Eng­lisch


The Chag­ga peo­p­le of the Ki­li­man­ja­ro area in Nor­t­hern Tan­z­a­nia mi­gra­te to ne­ar­ly all parts of the coun­try as busi­ness­peo­p­le, ci­vil ser­vants, ad­mi­nis­tra­tors of the go­vern­ment and te­a­chers. A lar­ge num­ber of them are mem­bers of the Lu­ther­an Church. At their working places they con­ti­nue to prac­ti­se their Lu­ther­an faith as well as foun­ding new Lu­ther­an con­gre­ga­ti­ons or streng­thening the exis­ting Lui­ther­an com­mu­ni­ties. This stu­dy eva­lua­tes the con­tri­bu­ti­on of the­se Chag­ga mi­grants to the growth of the Evan­ge­li­cal Lu­ther­an Church in Tan­z­a­nia.


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