Af­ri­ca Cal­ling

Our ye­ars among the Maa­sai


Hel­big, Gi­se­la


ISBN: 978–3‑87214–555‑0
Auf­la­ge: 1
Er­schei­nungs­da­tum: 15.08.2015
Sei­ten: ca 166
For­mat (in cm): 18,0 x 11,0 cm
Ge­wicht (in g): 166
Pro­dukt­form: Soft­co­ver
Pro­dukt­spra­che: Eng­lisch
Ka­te­go­rien: ,


It ta­kes Cou­ra­ge! Gi­se­la and Die­ter Hel­big left their home, fri­ends, and church, to go and live for five ye­ars with the Maa­sai in Tan­z­a­nia. All that at 50 plus ye­ars of age. When the cou­ple set out for Af­ri­ca, the no­ma­dic Maa­sai were un­der­go­ing huge cul­tu­ral and eco­no­mic ch­an­ge, as was the en­ti­re coun­try. Gi­se­la shares with us ever­y­thing the cou­ple li­ved th­rough, from lan­guage dif­fi­cul­ties to cro­co­di­les, from me­di­cal emer­gen­ci­es to an­ci­ent cus­toms, from the arid be­au­ty of the land­scape to the ge­nui­ne warmth the cou­ple ex­pe­ri­en­ced from their Maa­sai fri­ends. One of Gisela’s most en­ri­ching times was spent tea­ching re­a­ding and wri­ting un­der the sha­de of a gi­ant tree. For the Hel­bigs, this was a life-chan­­ging ex­pe­ri­ence. The cou­ple is now re­ti­red, and li­ves in Nürn­berg.


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