A Histo­ry of the Lu­ther­an Church, Dio­ce­se in the Aru­sha Re­gi­on from 1904 to 1958


Par­sa­law, Jo­seph W


ISBN: 978–3‑87214–299‑3
Auf­la­ge: 1., Aufl.
Er­schei­nungs­da­tum: 1999
Sei­ten: ca 405
For­mat (in cm): 19,7 x 13,2 cm
Ge­wicht (in g): 491
Pro­dukt­form: Soft­co­ver
Rei­hen­in­fo: Ma­ku­m­i­ra Pu­bli­ca­ti­on (12)
Rei­hen­band­num­mer: 12
Pro­dukt­spra­che: Eng­lisch


The histo­ry of chris­tia­ni­ty in the Dio­ce­se in the Aru­sha Re­gi­on can be tra­ced as far back as the year 1893, when the first four pio­neer mis­sio­na­ries from Leip­zig Mis­si­on So­cie­ty set foot on the slo­pes of Mt. Ki­li­man­ja­ro. The Ge­ne­ral As­sem­bly of the Leip­zig Mis­si­on which met in Leip­zig Mis­si­on House on the 8th of June 1892 with one con­sen­sus aut­ho­ri­zed the Go­ver­ning Board to be­gin pre­pa­ra­ti­ons to open a new mis­si­on field in Ger­man East Af­ri­ca the pre­sent day Tan­z­a­nia.


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