Con­flict Trans­for­ma­ti­on in the Fa­mi­ly

A quest for a con­tem­po­ra­ry pas­to­ral care and con­seling ap­proach in Tan­z­a­nia


Mun­gu­re, Elie­shi Ayo


ISBN: 978–3‑87214–910‑7
Auf­la­ge: 1
Er­schei­nungs­da­tum: 10.07.2013
Sei­ten: ca 172
For­mat (in cm): 21,0 x 14,8 cm
Ge­wicht (in g): 215
Pro­dukt­form: Buch
Rei­hen­in­fo: Ma­ku­m­i­ra Pu­bli­ca­ti­on (21)
Rei­hen­band­num­mer: 21
Pro­dukt­spra­che: Eng­lisch



De­s­truc­ti­ve and vio­lent con­flicts in Tan­z­a­ni­an Chris­ti­an fa­mi­lies mo­ti­va­ted to do this re­se­arch. As part of a con­cep­tu­al stu­dy of con­flict and Con­flict Trans­for­ma­ti­on the aut­hor con­duc­ted in­ter­views with lay and cler­gy lea­ders of the ELCT and sup­ple­men­ted the­se data with sta­tis­ti­cal ma­te­ri­al coll­ec­ted from a few sel­ec­ted con­gre­ga­ti­ons. The stu­dy reve­als the con­tex­tu­al theo­lo­gi­cal, so­cial, and cul­tu­ral dy­na­mics of con­flicts wi­thin the­se fa­mi­lies and shows that the­re is a need for an pas­to­ral care and coun­sel­ling ap­proach that in­cludes work on sys­te­mic cau­ses of con­flict in the fa­mi­ly and that em­powers peo­p­le for trans­for­ma­ti­on


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