Destructive and violent conflicts in Tanzanian Christian families motivated to do this research. As part of a conceptual study of conflict and Conflict Transformation the author conducted interviews with lay and clergy leaders of the ELCT and supplemented these data with statistical material collected from a few selected congregations. The study reveals the contextual theological, social, and cultural dynamics of conflicts within these families and shows that there is a need for an pastoral care and counselling approach that includes work on systemic causes of conflict in the family and that empowers people for transformation
Conflict Transformation in the Family
A quest for a contemporary pastoral care and conseling approach in Tanzania
Mungure, Elieshi Ayo
ISBN: 978–3‑87214–910‑7
Auflage: 1
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2013
Seiten: ca 172
Format (in cm): 21,0 x 14,8 cm
Gewicht (in g): 215
Produktform: Buch
Reiheninfo: Makumira Publication (21)
Reihenbandnummer: 21
Produktsprache: Englisch
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